Men's Singles |
No |
Round of 32 |
Round of 16 |
Round of 8 |
Semifinal |
Final |
Winner |
1. |
Wojtek Malinski (1) |
W. Malinski (1) |
2. |
Bye |
3. |
Cory Majeau |
4. |
Jason Hlus |
5. |
Chris Rice |
Chris Rice |
6. |
Bye |
7. |
Sam Mansour |
Sam Mansour |
8. |
Bye |
9. |
Jeff Peever |
10. |
Vuk Radovich |
11. |
Victor Misquith |
12. |
Enrique Garcia |
13. |
Dragan Radovich |
D. Radovich |
14. |
Bye |
15. |
Bye |
W. Alsuleiman (3)
16. |
Wael Alsuleiman (3) |
17. |
Isto Prokki (4) |
Isto Prokki (4) |
18. |
Bye |
19. |
Paul Deutch |
20. |
Chris West |
21. |
Honé Fortunato |
22. |
Robert Thomas |
23. |
Bye |
Corey Huber |
24. |
Corey Huber |
25. |
Francis Remedius |
26. |
Dirksen Liu |
27. |
Bye |
Jason Statler |
28. |
Jason Statler |
29. |
Alan Lewis |
30. |
Miro Radovich |
31. |
Bye |
D. Crowther (2)
32. |
Dave Crowther (2) |
Women's Singles |
No |
Round of 16 |
Round of 8 |
Semifinal |
Final |
Winner |
1. |
Amanda Nishuk (1) |
A. Nishuk (1) |
2. |
Bye |
3. |
Scarlett He |
4. |
Gal Cowan |
5. |
Bye |
Sanja Jankovic |
6. |
Sanja Jankovic |
7. |
PC Lim |
PC Lim |
8. |
Bye |
9. |
Bye |
Nancy Hunt |
10. |
Nancy Hunt |
11. |
Priya Rangenath |
12. |
Shirley Melaran |
13. |
Rhonda Minchau |
14. |
Samantha Bowker |
15. |
Bye |
K. Turnock (2)
16. |
Kathy Turnock (2) |
Hone Fortunato, all rights reserved. |