about us  

Welcome to The GARNEAU Tennis Club, Edmonton's finest tennis club, featuring 8 fenced courts, 6 of which are clay surfaced with clay/shale. We are located at the corner of 109 St and 83 Ave: close to downtown Edmonton, the University of Alberta Campus, major malls, park areas and "Whyte Avenue". Members enjoy continuous play from 8:00am to 11:00pm for unlimited tennis. All courts are lighted for night play. For more information, please contact our office at (780) 431-2085.
Contact links:
garneau@garneau-tennis.com if anybody is interested in lessons, tournament draw times.
play@garneau-tennis.com if anybody wants info regarding memberships, tournamrnt registration, mercandhise or sponsorship.

At Garneau Tennis & Beach Volleyball Club, we offer the best in service and instruction.

Office Manager


To become a member of the Garneau Tennis Club, a person must apply and pay the membership fee. All memberships are subject to approval by the Garneau Tennis Club Executive.

Our members can use the courts starting at 8 a.m. until 11 p.m. after they arrive at the club and reserve their court time on the club's Reservation Board.

The Garneau Tennis and Beach Volleyball Club offers a few options for those interested in tennis lessons. Free lessons are available if you purchase a membership. We offer beginner lessons every Tuesday and Thursday night from 6:00 – 7:00 PM, and intermediate lessons every Wednesday from 6:00-7:00 PM. These lessons have an eight person maximum and members must sign-up at the office one week in advance. These lessons are only offered to Garneau Club Members.

Our Pro also offers private and semi-private lessons. For members, private lesson cost $25.00 per hour, and for non-members - $35.00 per hour. Semi-private lessons (2 + people) are $20.00/hour per member, and $30.00/hour per non-member.

If you have any more questions or concerns please call us at 431-2085.

2006 Membership Fees

Category Benefits Fees 

- Season-long (May to October).
- Free clinics twice weekly.
- Social activities.

Senior (60+;ID req’d)
Student (ID req’d)
Youth (17 and under)
Monthly 30 consecutive days   $50

- Must be guest of a member.
- Subject to court availability.
- Does not include social events

*We do not charge court fees, so our memberships are a real bargain!

2006 Membership Form

Membership Form was added as Microsoft Word file. If you are interesting being Member of GARNEAU Tennis Club, please print (two-side) and fill out this form.


of the Garneau Tennis and Beach Volleyball Club In 1926 Harry Ainley, principal of the Garneau Public School, convinced the city to allocate a block of land for recreation use, between 83rd and 84th Avenues and 109th and 110th Streets.
Four shale tennis courts were built on the land, using volunteer labour. The following year a small clubhouse was built, to be used by skaters in the winter and tennis players in the summer. The skating rink was located where the Turtle Creek Café now stands. In 1929 the Garneau Community League Tennis Club was founded. Two additional shale tennis courts were built some time before 1950, and two asphalt courts were added in the 1980s.

The Garneau Community League built a multi-use facility adjacent to the tennis courts in 1989. The building included squash and racquetball courts. Unfortunately the league entered a period of financial instability and could not sustain operation of the new building. In 1990, tennis players incorporated the Garneau Tennis Club as a not-for-profit organization, and the operation of the club was made separate from that of the community league. The community league agreed to lease the tennis courts to the club.

In 1995 the league turned over the multi-use building to the City of Edmonton. The building was occupied for a time by a theatre group, which in 1996 converted the lawn bowling courts to the west of the building into beach volleyball courts. The club became known as the Garneau Tennis and Beach Volleyball Club, although its legal name is still the Garneau Tennis Club.
In 1999 the City of Edmonton proposed moving the City Arts Centre into the now abandoned building. As part of this move, the city proposed to convert the two asphalt tennis courts into additional parking spaces. Only a concerted lobbying effort by the tennis club saved the courts from destruction. The parking lot was instead expanded onto an unused bus loop adjacent to 109th Street. The building was renovated and the new City Arts Centre opened in 2000. The club leases a small office and storage shed in the building, and has use of washroom and shower areas.

The club has raised a considerable amount of money through biannual casino fundraising activities, and is planning a major renovation of the tennis courts. We hope that the improved courts will lead to many more years of tennis at Garneau, continuing a fine tradition in Edmonton!


The social side at GARNEAU is a very important feature of the Club's operation giving all members the chance to meet in a social environment and also raise funds to support the Club.

GARNEAU organizes a number of regular events: "Drop-in clinic", "Pizza Night", "The Breakfast Club", "Midnight Madness", "Davis Cup" and more. These sessions are normally run by the club manager and comprise of mixed ability from fairly novice players to experts. . Ideal for members who want to practice their tennis, meet other members or just have an enjoyable game. Social tennis should be enjoyable and we try to maximize the mixing in aspect. This means you should try and choose balanced fours and everyone gets a shot at mixed and men's or women's doubles - no favoritism, no elitism.


For those of you not familiar with ratings, don't be intimidated by that line on the Application Form asking for your NTRP rating. It's very simple--you can rate yourself. Please read on for details. Garneau Members are either self-rated, visually rated, or computer rated, based on the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) system. If you do not have an official rating, click here to view the NTRP Rating Guide. Use this guide to estimate your rating based on the various descriptions. Remember, you do not have to have an official NTRP rating to be a member of the Garneau Tennis Club. A visual rating is nothing more than an on-court verification session. Click here for more information about Visual ratings and how to obtain one. A computer rating is earned based on results from your previous year's NTRP tournament play. Computer ratings happen automatically by virtue of your playing in a sanctioned NTRP tournament.

Here are ten basic facts about racquets from USRSA technical advisor Steve Davis. This information provided by the United States Racquet Stringers Association. USRSA Copyright c 1997. These facts are presented as generalities. While a stiffer frame generates more power, a stiff frame badly strung may generate less power than a more flexible frame properly strung for power players. While a heavier frame generates more power, it can also decrease maneuverability.

1. A heavier frame generates more power.
2. A heavier frame vibrates less.
3. A heavier frame has a larger sweetspot.
4. A stiffer frame generates more power.
5. A stiffer frame has a larger sweetspot.
6. A stiffer frame transmits more of the shock load to the arm than a more flexible frame.
7. A stiffer frame provides a more uniform ball response across the entire string plane.
8. A larger frame generates more power.
9. A larger frame is more resistant to twisting.
10. A larger frame has a larger sweetspot


Copyright Hone Fortunato, all rights reserved.